Rediscovering Your Purpose

I created my first business over 15 years ago. Like many people, I have always enjoyed planning parties for my family members and friends. Whether it was for my birthday, a surprise party for a friend, a holiday dinner, or a “Totally 80’s” themed event I was drawn the idea of organizing, coordinating and executing an event along with the stress and joy that it brought. I created a party and event planning business with a friend of my in university and after a few events I realized that we both had different perspectives on where we should take our business next. We parted ways as business partners but several years later after planning a few more events solo, a friend of mine suggested that I start my own event planning business. She saw the passion and enjoyment that I found in planning events and I decided that the timing was right as I had just had Sheriauna the year before. I am a firm believer in educating myself in an area that I am interested in, if possible, so I completed a certificate course in Event and Meeting Management and registered my business in 2007. Over the past 10 years I have had the joy of planning various events for clients, family and friends. The adrenaline rush and sense of accomplishment I receive from planning a successful event is something that I definitely appreciate, however between 2015 and 2016 I began to really question what I was doing. I began to not only question what I am most passionate about, but also what MY purpose in life is.

By definition, purpose is, “the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc”; “an intended or desired result; end; aim, goal.”(

Since I would be on maternity leave for most of 2016 I decided to use this time to really explore my interests and determine what I was meant to do. Now I know that this may seem like a lofty goal but I decided not to put too much pressure on myself. It was just me evaluating and maybe re-evaluating some of the things that I knew I enjoyed but stopped doing them along the way due to “life” (I smile here…because many parents, especially moms know what I am talking about right?).

I didn’t give up on my event planning business but as destiny would have it, my focus shifted. I had always enjoyed writing and drawing as a child. I created my own clothing designs and stories all the time. I wasn’t the greatest artist by any means, but I was a very strong writer growing up and an avid reader. I recall a distinct memory from the fourth grade Book Fair, an interaction between my teacher and me. I had ordered a book and it was no longer available so I had to choose an alternative. When my second choice came in, my teacher did not want to release the book to me. “Isn’t this book a bit advanced and mature for you?” he asked. I replied by saying, “No it’s not. May I have my book that I paid for please?” As I tore through that book and many others over the years, reading was my enjoyment. To engulf myself in the pages of a thick novel, taking the words and descriptions of the author to create each scene, character and conversation, in my mind was something I always looked forward to.

I have always kept a journal, written poetry and songs but after having my daughter it became more challenging to balance motherhood, work and my hobby. Honestly, I stayed away from reading as some experiences were too difficult document or deal with through a writing process. As I mentioned before, I wrote “I Am Sheriauna” 6 years ago and I found the process both enjoyable and therapeutic. I was able to process emotions and give a voice to both myself and my daughter. Through the development of this book, conversations with others about it and sharing the story I regained my love of writing and began writing more. Regaining my voice through writing, especially my experience having a child amputee has given me a new purpose. I cannot personally speak to every single person in the world about my experience while trying to educate them on differences, amputees and acceptance. What I can do is write it down, create a story and continue the conversation. My experiences are timeless and I hope that as I continue to fulfill my purpose, the reach of the message will cross borders and oceans worldwide.
Are you searching for your purpose? If you have yet to find out what you are meant to do in this season, don’t give up. Continue to explore and revisit lost or forgotten loves because your passion and purpose just may be waiting for you to return.

We all have a PURPOSE. Live yours.
