When I first published I Am Sheriauna Book 1: We Are Beautiful in 2017 I wanted to have everything just right in order to launch and announce the labour of love that I felt so connected to. I was so proud to have completed the book and wanted to honour that but I also knew that I was EXCITED to share the news and get the message out there. With my phone and Sheriauna on recording duty, I sat in my living room while my newborn slept in the room nearby and announced that my first children’s book was published and available for purchase! It was such a lovely moment that after so many disappointments and a lot of editing, I Am Sheriauna was finally out there in the world for everyone to access and read. There were definitely hiccups and challenges along the way but I am so grateful for the journey. All the worry I built up in my head about everything being perfect was unnecessary. What I received was so much love and support from many family and friends. What I gained was being welcomed into an awesome community of people living with limb differences, family members of people with limb differences, and organizations that advocate for and provide supports to people living with limb differences. The many messages, phone calls, emails were reminders that no matter what the circumstance, if you believe in yourself and your story, there are people that want to hear it. Your voice may help to empower and encourage someone else.
This whole journey has confirmed for me that my voice has value and Sheriauna’s story is an important one to tell. We have been fortunate to have had several book signings, traveled to be a part of events in the limb difference community, been invited to speak at schools, daycares, community organizations, and universities regarding the themes in my book that focus on disability, limb difference, acceptance, understanding, diversity, inclusion and kindness. Writing this book was initially a way for me to support Sheriauna and help others understand how she felt as a young girl living with a disability. What I am so honoured by is that there are so many children that now see themselves reflected in a book and are proud to share I Am Sheriauna with their teachers, family members and friends.

I would like to thank you so much for the ongoing support from everyone who purchased a copy of reading it and placed it back on their shelf. I was hopeful that the conversation would continue and this book would be shared in classrooms, daycares, libraries, homes, and beyond, which it has. I also had a vision for Sheriauna’s story to continue. The first book was an introduction to Sheriauna, as the main character, and was a way to educate young readers about amputees and some of the challenges we faced as a family and that Sheriauna faced herself. Those challenges didn’t stop there and so I knew that I wanted to write more books that shared some of her challenges but also the triumphs she has experienced with perseverance and hard work. I am so excited to share that after once again a lot of edits, a pause, and some delays, I Am Sheriauna Book 2 is on its way very soon!! I have been working very hard to put my best foot forward as I too have grown through this experience.
I would like to thank you so much for the ongoing support from everyone who purchased a copy of I Am Sheriauna Book 1: We Are Beautiful, liked or shared a post, visited my website, attended an event or shared our story with someone you know. I look forward to continuing our journey and connecting with you in 2022 and beyond!
For the most up to date information, please follow us Instagram and Twitter @IAmSheriauna, Facebook, or email iamsheriauna@gmail.com to be added to our email list.